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Extreme Exhilarating Bungee Jump

Extreme + Exhilarating Bungee Jump - Monteverde, Costa Rica

Upload : 5 years ago...

2019-12-26 02:28 22,422 Youtube

xiaoai on hb_mekko_ez in 05:09.30

Upload : 1 week ago...

2024-12-18 05:21 61 Youtube

Acht Meter langer Riesenhai vor der Küste Kroatiens gesichtet

Upload : 5 days ago...

2024-12-21 02:31 1,398 Youtube

WIRELESS bungee jump - Extreme Sports

WIRELESS bungee jump - Extreme Sports...

2015-09-18 03:04 44 Dailymotion

Extreme Bungee Jumping Romania

saltul in coarda elastica este o activitate interesanta pentru participantii la orice eveniment s au concert..punem la dispozitia organizatorilor absolut tot ce...

2007-12-01 02:53 1,219 Dailymotion

Bungee Jumping丨Extreme sports

#Bungee jumping #beauty...

2021-09-10 02:57 37 Dailymotion

My Bungee Jump aka Extreme Skyflyer

Me on the Bungee aka Extreme Skyflyer at the Paramount canada wonderland on Aug 12 2007...

2007-08-14 01:55 391 Dailymotion

Bungee Jumping Just Got More Extreme

We didn't think bungee jumping could get any more extreme, but Danielle Harris took it to a whole new level! She ditched the comfort of a regular jump and used ...

2021-07-19 01:43 3 Dailymotion